by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Make It Happen Tipsheet, Social MediaTagged as: LinkedIn
“You have been invited to be part of the LinkedIn group ABCDE.” With millions of groups available and more created every day, it is tempting to join – but should you? There is nothing wrong with a gut decision to click the join button, but there is also nothing wrong with thinking a bit more strategically.
Here are 11 questions to consider before joining:
These questions are just as important for your membership in existing groups. This week, apply these criteria, and if a group membership doesn’t make sense, then leave.
Marketing Insight: The decision to join a group can beg the question of whether you should start a group yourself. If you are thinking of this, then first consider how the LinkedIn group would fit within your overall marketing/HR/client support strategy, and then wear the shoes of prospective group members: how would they answer these questions?
Does this topic resonate? Reach out to Randall: he can present it to your group. (More presentation topics) Download Randall’s professional credentials: Speaker credentials one-sheet or Management Advisory credentials.
Content Authenticity Statement: 100% original content: no AI was used in creating this content.
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