by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Learning, Make It Happen Tipsheet, Time managementTagged as: Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Research, Thought leadership
One of the most important elements of a modern marketing strategy is Content Marketing. The idea is that if your “content” is everywhere, then would-be clients would be easily attracted to you as they begin looking for solutions to their problems.
Unfortunately, many marketers miss a crucial aspect of this: that the content must be valuable in the eyes of the reader; it must be insightful, new, and demonstrate thought-leadership. If it doesn’t do this, the reader won’t make the direct connection between the content, and your expertise. And they certainly won’t be asking for help.
Thought-leadership is the fundamental underpinning of content marketing – but how does one develop it? Some ideas:
More than any of these ideas, however, is the importance of actually spending time thinking. Becoming a thought-leader without giving yourself ample time to think is impossible.
Whether you aspire to thought-leadership or are just started down the path of content marketing, thinking time often gets squeezed away by urgent deadlines and other priorities. This week, schedule time to think – at least five hours. One hour each day is a very small investment to make… and it will lead to better decisions.
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