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  • Digital Transformation Strategy: Transformation to SAAS

    Digital Transformation Strategy: Transformation to SAAS

    Here are four steps to begin the process: 1. Define your "as a service": At one time, it only meant software. It may have been an API (applications programming interface), a webhook, plug-in, a website, or some other mechanism that provided metered functionality, either to another application, or to a [More]

  • What Should We Stop Doing?

    What Should We Stop Doing?

    While the answer to these questions can be argued successfully either way, too often we see "more" as always the better answer. After all, who doesn't want more sales, more margin, and more profit? Unfortunately, the challenge of "more" is that it adds... more. More complex recruiting, more training, more [More]

  • Defensive Strategies when Others Disrupt You…

    Defensive Strategies when Others Disrupt You…

    The most obvious answer is to have avoided the situation in the first place, but sometimes this is not possible. You have momentum that you think is unstoppable; A change means lower margins; You are locked into long-term contracts, or have significant overheads that would be painful to dislodge. And [More]

  • How to do Issues and Trends Analysis

    How to do Issues and Trends Analysis

    This question is too often buried under vendors' promises of nirvana if only a new piece of software was installed. Or buried under consultants' promises of better efficiency or higher ROI. Instead, before the actual transformation exercise is even defined, this fundamental question must be answered: Where is the opportunity? [More]

  • Six Tests for Testing Trends

    Six Tests for Testing Trends

    How often have you read a prediction, statement, or about a trend, and began to wonder if it were true?  Sadly, with so many instant experts, pundits, and self-serving gurus, it is sometimes difficult to tell fact from fake news. Here are six tests that can help you improve your signal-to-noise ratio: A trend is defined to be a [More]

  • 14 key digital planning reads

    14 key digital planning reads

    Do you have a pile of reading, perhaps sitting at the corner of your desk?  Clippings that seem particularly important that you would get to "at some point"?  Or perhaps, a digital version kept safely in an obscure folder, just waiting for you to find the time to read? These clippings are [More]

  • Avoiding tech project failures (internal issues)

    Avoiding tech project failures (internal issues)

    Have you ever had a problem - or a disastrous - project in your organization?  When this happens, it is often "clear" that the problem is with the consultants hired to help, and sadly, this is often true. But is some of the fault also with your organization?  While a previous [More]

  • Avoiding tech project failures (vendor issues)

    Avoiding tech project failures (vendor issues)

    Has your organization invested in a “game-changing” software project, only to discover that the promised benefits never really materialize?  Or that the implementation was so flawed that the system is regarded as a financial and operating disaster? Sadly, this happens far more than it should… but must this always be [More]

  • Marketing Insight: Improving Web ROI

    Marketing Insight: Improving Web ROI

    Does this sound familiar?  You have a website (or two), a marketing budget, and more than likely, a desire to grow.  It doesn't matter if growth is defined as more event registrations, newsletter sign-ups, leads, or transactions - the problem is that too often, a web initiative doesn't always pull [More]

  • Social Media Measurement (Part Two)

    Social Media Measurement (Part Two)

    Over the last year (or three), how much time have you spent Linking In, Tweeting, Facebooking, Blogging, and using other social tools?  If you are like most, getting a return on your time investment probably has crossed your mind:  Is all this time actually paying off?  Is it worth the [More]


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