So two tough questions for those who think that the job is done once it is set up: Is the implementation of a dashboard also the end of thoughtful analytics? Is it the beginning of the worst kind of management complacency? Consider the arguments: When the dashboard is developed, decisions [More]
Unfortunately, the answer is rarely found within instruction manuals, YouTube videos, and training, as these are often focused either on configuration, or on the "clickety-here, clickers-there" of how to use each bit of system functionality. Or, management believes the myth that the system will work only if every field must [More]
That your personas are accurate? And that you are focussing your efforts (and budget) on the priority personas? Up to a few short years ago, you couldn't. You could guess, you could do some market research, but you couldn't actually know. But today, there is a way to tell. Enter [More]
Is the ability to quickly build a community or identify prospects through content or ads just too tempting to resist? For most people, all of this is true. And it is, actually, too good to be true. Over the longer term, these prospects — and in fact your entire marketing [More]
Let’s consider the snail-mail mailing list. This was usually a database file maintained in a central computer. To send a mailing, you printed the labels onto labels, and then sent the labels to a mailing house to be manually affixed to what was being sent. Usually the process took weeks. [More]
CRM (Client Relationship Management) systems are known for two things: the promise of driving sales, and the almost inevitable disastrous implementation. And the same is often true of other big tech projects. But does this really have to be the case? Here are 12 key items that can make a difference between a [More]
In the first part of this post, we consider the importance of growing all channels - not just email. In this post, we look specifically at growing your email list - 11 different ways of doing so: Plug the leaks: Sometimes a list is growing just fine, but the growth is negated by people who [More]
Almost every organization has a list - or several. The list is used for service and event updates, for marketing, sales, and then billing. It is used to recruit, it is used for retention. And because it is so central, it is also the subject of a critical marketing question: [More]
Back in the dark ages of the internet, marketing was simple: send a monthly ezine, sales offers, and any other buzzworthy content down the pipe and a certain percentage of people will “convert.” Money automatically transferred into your account as the list was monetized. Today, it’s no longer that simple. [More]
Have you ever put in a proposal, or answered an enquiry about your products or services, and then waited patiently for their answer about the next step? While images of pulling petals off a daisy might come to mind ("He loves me, he loves me not") the words that ultimate [More]
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