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  • 8 Must-Reads on Growth

    8 Must-Reads on Growth

    Benjamin Franklin said that there were only two things certain in life: death and taxes.  But at the end of every year, if you watch TV news, read magazines, or read a newspaper, you know that there is also a third certainty: the end-of-year retrospective. In the case of the Make It [More]

  • Mobile Marketing: Four Principles

    Mobile Marketing: Four Principles

    What have been the most transformational marketing innovations in society?  TV and Direct mail/database marketing rank up there.  Email, the web, and social media also do.  And so does mobile - but why? It is too easy to think of mobile as nothing more than a small screen.  Web designers [More]

  • Looking for growth: Back to basics

    Looking for growth: Back to basics

    Looking to grow your organization?  If so, a key question is this:  Where are all of the "new" zip codes?  The ones that live in different sectors and geographies?  The ones who come from different cultural backgrounds and different generations?  The first-time bums in seats? One thing is for sure:  [More]

  • Networking Three-Step

    Networking Three-Step

    Networking is probably the most important skill you can learn. It is a prerequisite for professional success, meet new friends - and even meet your spouse. Yet strangely, this key skill is rarely taught in school.  We all seem to learn by happenstance. At its core, networking is actually very [More]

  • Knowledge to Action

    Knowledge to Action

    When was the last time you read a good book? Or rather, when was the last time you read a good book that was good for you? No, not a trash novel, or even one that is mildly entertaining. What is a good book? It is one that moves you [More]

  • Plant a seed and something will grow

    Plant a seed and something will grow

    If you are reading this on the day that it is published, then I have a secret to share with you. I came up with the idea for today's tipsheet last month. Then, about two weeks before "today", I wrote the Tip. I edited it the next week. And then [More]

  • Experience Life

    Experience Life

    Not too long ago, I had toured China, with stops in Xiamen, Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong (amongst others). At the very beginning, it was easiest to stay with the guide. They helped with everything: guiding, translating, negotiating, and dealing with all of the problems along the way. One evening, [More]


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