by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Make It Happen Tipsheet, MotivationalTagged as: Copywriting, Creativity
Have you ever found yourself in a position where you’re asked to be “instantly” creative? Maybe in a staff meeting? Or a client who is in trouble and needs a clever way out immediately? Or maybe you’re writing a report, and you’ve got writer’s block?
If this happens to you, you’re not alone. Here are some ideas that might help:
1) Prepare the ground: if you can, find an environment that is conducive to creativity. For some people, this means a completely quiet place; for others, it may mean a room filled with stimulus.
2) Use a muse: Ask someone who is completely disconnected from the task for suggestions.
3) Change roles: Imagine you’re in a completely different role, or a completely different industry: how would they solve the problem?
4) Answer the “how” not the “what”: Creativity can be found in the strategy, but also in the implementation. If you’re stuck on one, try the other.
For some, being “creative”, means looking at other’s work, and using their great ideas. Google and Social Media make this especially easy to do, and this is a serious problem. If you are basing your “new” idea on someone else’s old one, be sure to give proper credit. Usually this means a hotlink back to the source or an explicit recognition within your content, while in other cases, it may mean getting written permission – or paying – for the right to use their ideas.
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