by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Career Planning, Make It Happen Tipsheet, MotivationalTagged as: Ability
Before we begin our careers, we typically spend a number of years in school. We then get hired in progressively more challenging jobs, earning the experience required for success. At any point in time, our unique experiences (and education, and upbringing) give us the ability to solve a specific type of problem better than anyone else. We each have a “solution” with our name on it: our special ability.
When we achieve professional success, we are typically in roles where we can use our special ability. When we are stalled, we are doing things – solving problems – that don’t have our name on it. We often get frustrated, and our change in attitude makes things worse, closing off even more opportunities.
If you know your special ability, you should even be able to introduce yourself with it (“Hi, my name is Randall: I help CEOs take advantage of digital opportunity”). While you might not actually introduce yourself this way, in your mind – and in everyone else’s – your special ability should be clear.
What is your special ability? If you’re not sure, think about the things you enjoy doing – and can do better than anyone else. This week, resolve to do more of it.
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