Despite the near ubiquity of Social Media, you can't say hello to your Starbucks barista there. Putting aside Zoom, which isn't Social Media anyway, you can't see your team's body language during a meeting. You can't celebrate with friends and family in real-time. Everything seems to be in 2D - [More]
With seven-digit penalties, many marketers are looking carefully at how they are addressing the Canada Anti-Spam Law (CASL) and similar legislation in other parts of the world. Unfortunately, many are making a critical error that may later haunt them - and cost. They are assuming that an email "double-opt-in" constitutes Express [More]
What were you doing on the Internet 27 years ago, circa 1993/1994? At that time, there were only between 200 and 2000 websites, depending on how you counted. Most people had no idea what the web was all about, and email was still a big leap for many organizations. 27 [More]
There is no doubt that SPAM - unwanted commercial electronic messages - is a major problem. It consumes internet bandwidth, clogs our inboxes, and saps productivity. The solution - spam filters - often makes the problem worse by wrongly filtering legitimate communications into the junk mail folder. Another solution, legislation, [More]
There is no question that LinkedIn is one of the most powerful networking platforms around. It connects, credentializes, and recruits. It provides a glimpse into the professional lives of those we know, and those we want to know. But it has been providing less, and less, and less. Consider the [More]
For those who aren't familiar with the McDonald's menu, there is something for everyone: burgers, fish, chicken (in a bun or nugget-style), salads, fries, gourmet coffee and desert. If you arrive for breakfast, you can choose from yogurt parfaits, oatmeal, eggs, muffins, egg McMuffins, juices and coffee. In other words, [More]
The Trust Curve is one of the most important Marketing 2.0 concepts around. It states that as trust builds over time, the relationship strengthens and the target person (prospective client, prospective member, prospective employee, etc) moves through the stages of awareness, preference, trial, and commitment. The job of marketing is [More]
How long do you keep your car? Some people swap their car every 2-3-4 years, while others keep them for ten, and run them into the ground. There are pros and cons to both strategies, and endless arguments about which is best: older cars have higher maintenance costs, sport some [More]
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