Have you ever been disappointed, frustrated, or annoyed with an experience with a person or organization? In today's always-on digitally-connected world, suffering in silence need not be your only option. You can Tweet, Blog, post to Facebook, create a YouTube video, do an annoying TikTok, write on a review site [More]
There is an important hierarchy in the real world when we think of our relationships with others. At one end of the spectrum are those nameless individuals we see on the street, while at the other end are those closest to us - usually our immediate family. And in between, [More]
What happens when you are stumped? In the "olden days" of just 3-4 years ago, you would apply time to the problem, researching different alternatives until you had a viable solution. If you were more clever, you'd reach out to your network - working the phone and email until you [More]
There are great colleagues, and there are bad colleagues, and you have to work with them all. But what happens when your interaction with the bullies and the slackers begins to influence your success? While what you do ultimately depends on your relationship with them, here are some strategies you [More]
As a communicator, I share my ideas by writing and by speaking. I project my ideas to others using nuance, idiom, tone of voice, and body language. I do it in business presentations, group meetings, in proposals, job interviews and resumes. But how do I know that the message is [More]
Ever hear the expression Learn from the Best? This is great when it comes to a coach or consultant, but a more powerful concept is Learning from the Rest. Each day, we interact with our workmates, friends, and sometimes even the youngest of children. Each of these folks has something [More]
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