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  • Insight: Dark Patterns

    Insight: Dark Patterns

    Dark patterns rely on a strong understanding of human psychology and online behavior to shuttle people along a path, usually with an unexpected outcome. Two examples come to mind. When one registers a domain name, there is usually a price attached to it, usually about $15. But on the way [More]

  • Customer Service: Automated, Templated, or Customized

    Customer Service: Automated, Templated, or Customized

    Many organizations struggle with setting up a digital response strategy.  How do you trust front line staff to answer properly, if they don't know the policies?  How do you have a consistent response, no matter who responds, or when?  How do you provide these responses, whether the channel is the website [More]

  • Eleven Key Marketing Automation Sequences

    Eleven Key Marketing Automation Sequences

    Back in the dark ages of the internet, marketing was simple: send a monthly ezine, sales offers, and any other buzzworthy content down the pipe and a certain percentage of people will “convert.” Money automatically transferred into your account as the list was monetized.  Today, it’s no longer that simple. [More]

  • Online Customer Service

    Online Customer Service

    How often are you disappointed by poor service?  For most people, the answer is too often. The reasons for poor customer service range from poor hiring, ineffective (or invisible) training, poor attitude, and inadequate resourcing.  Most customers don't really care why - they'll vote with their feet and leave.  They [More]

  • Social Customer Service Strategy

    Social Customer Service Strategy

    Ever feel slighted, ignored, disenfranchised, "sold to", taken for granted, or just plain commoditized? For many prospects, these feelings are what prevent a sale from taking place. They prevent repeat sales, prevent referrals, and encourage negative word-of-mouth. Clearly, great customer service - supported by great training and great management - [More]

  • Who’s the Client?

    Who’s the Client?

    Were you ever at a restaurant when the service was really terrible? You probably promised yourself that you would not go back. And when the service was absolutely top-notch? You probably rewarded the waiter or waitress with a big tip. Either way, if you were asked about the restaurant, you [More]


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