by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Content, Make It Happen TipsheetTagged as: Efficiency, Thought leadership
One of the more popular thought leadership “strategies” is to create relevant, provoking, leading-edge content. Not only does this provide evidence of the thought leader’s special knowledge, but it also helps attract new followers, through sharing (social and real-world), and through discovery (Google, conference speeches, and publicity.)
The most successful thought leaders recognize that this means creating content in multiple formats, using multiple channels, at multiple frequencies. After all, people all have different preferences on how they may wish to consume content – they are all individuals, each with their own interests, needs, and constraints.
So far so good, but who has the time to do all of this work? Most thought leaders already have a day job – this is where they have earned their special expertise. Their business card does not say thought leader, but rather consultant, lawyer, accountant, engineer, CEO, professor, author, and so on. Every minute spent on developing content takes time away from billable work. Every minute spent posting, tweeting, sharing, and commenting also takes time away from billable work. (Or, it takes time away from family, the gym, or other activities.) Who has the time?
There are three strategies that can address this:
1) Delegation: Why must a thought leader do everything themselves? Much of the mechanical process of production and dissemination of the content can be delegated to others or automated. Even the writing and editing can be outsourced. Only the “thinking” can’t be. The entire process can easily be started with a ten minute interview with a writer, which then becomes a single blog post, focused on a unique idea.
2) Repurposing: Consider the following hierarchy of activities:
Even taking one of these ideas, “video”, yields more ways to use the content:
3) Delegation (again): Once the content is produced, then it can be tweeted, posted, and shared, both digitally, as well as in the real world. Basic comments (thank you’s, etc) can be acknowledged by a staff member acting for the thought leader, while more complex comments and questions might be answered by the thought leader themselves.
For most busy people, the question of efficiency and productivity always looms large. If thought leadership is part of your strategy, how might you delegate and repurpose more? If you’re not sure where to start, choose one.
Thought leadership insight #1: Does it really make sense to do ALL of these things? Absolutely not! How much you choose to do can be found at the intersection of two constraints: The amount of time or dollars that it makes sense to invest in providing evidence of your thought leadership, and perhaps more importantly, the interests and preferences of your target audience.
Thought leadership insight #2: While thought leaders produce great content, it does not follow that if you produce great content you are a thought leader. Thought leaders require… followers, both online, and in the real world. Think you are a thought leader? Test yourself – you might be surprised.
Shameless plug: One of my most requested presentations is It’s not called Thought Followership. Sound interesting? Give me a call…
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