How do you solve problems? One way to do so is to use a zoom lens. If you're like most people, at one time or another you've played around with a zoom lens. When you zoom out as much as you can, you see just about everything: you have an [More]
Have you ever had the opportunity to listen to a speaker from another country, or from a culture that is very different than your own? If you have - and most people have - you may have noticed that they use different words than you. Perhaps you found their words [More]
Have you ever thought about the benefits of aging? We're more mature, we listen more carefully, we're given more responsibilities, and we earn the experience that prepares us for even more. We have wisdom. But sometimes it is of the "conventional" type... which is a problem. Contrast this to children: [More]
Clients, prospects, friends, family, co-workers, your manager, and recruiters: It's easy to assume that everyone thinks precisely like you do. But they don't. They each have their own experience, education, training. We know this instinctively, yet still we make mistakes based on this premise. Then during a presentation, in an [More]
Remember your first day at school, after a long summer holiday? You looked forward to seeing friends again, while at the same time felt sad about leaving the summer behind. However you felt back then, today many people use the summer more actively, and also to explore professional and personal [More]
Have you ever had the feeling that the person you are speaking to really wasn't paying attention to your conversation? Maybe they are pre-occupied with a personal matter? Or they might not care about your message (or about you)? Or perhaps they are focused on an impending deadline? Whatever the [More]
People collect the craziest things: movies, music, books, shoes, coins, and spoons are just some examples. But what about collecting experiences? Experiences are activities that either give you new skills, or improve existing ones. Experiences give you perspective, flexibility, and develop your business acumen: all critical for your career success. [More]
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