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  • Viewpoint: The Rebranding Decision

    Viewpoint: The Rebranding Decision

    At what point might it make sense to rebrand? Not a question to be taken lightly, but it has been asked - or considered - by just about every CEO and every marketer at one point or another. In the spirit of putting some objective criteria behind any decision to change, [More]

  • Rebranding Rationale: Microsoft, Pinetree Advisors

    Rebranding Rationale: Microsoft, Pinetree Advisors

    And here's the new: And here's the question of the day: why bother?  What's wrong with the old?  Is the time and expense really worth it? Reasons to rebrand: 1) There has been a growing difference between what your organization represents, and the visual representation of it. Rebranding forces the [More]


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