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  • Eight Disruptive Business Models

    Eight Disruptive Business Models

    Do you see your website, CRM, social media, and other digital initiatives as a way to improve service levels, market your organization, or be a central part of your thought leadership strategy?  While important, at best these are merely tactics:  too often the bigger opportunity of digital transformation is ignored.  This isn't surprising, as digital [More]

  • Don’t tell me how to think: Trump, Trudeau, and the realpolitik of marketing today

    Don’t tell me how to think: Trump, Trudeau, and the realpolitik of marketing today

    Looking back, was there really a surprise that Donald Trump won the 2016 American election?  Or that Justin Trudeau won the Canadian one both in 2015 and 2019?  Or for that matter, that Brexit happened? These three results have much in common: Politicians and insiders who are perceived as privileged, and think that they [More]

  • Happy Birthday World Wide Web

    Happy Birthday World Wide Web

    It's not celebrated widely, but in August 2021 (August 6th actually) the world wide web turns thirty. From humble beginnings, this "child" has revolutionized the world in no less a transformational way than the industrial revolution a century earlier. Think about what didn't exist in 1991: eCommerce, eBay, ezines, online [More]

  • Reality Distortion Field

    Reality Distortion Field

    I recently had the privilege of attending Book Expo America, the world's largest book convention. In attendance were thousands of booksellers, publishers, authors, distributors, and suppliers. There were panels with CEO's discussing the future of the industry. There were technical sessions, keynotes, and workshops. And there was an incredible reality-distortion [More]


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