Picture this scenario: you get an email from your manager, letting you know that a complaint (or a picture, or a video) about your organization has gone "viral". You check it out, and indeed it is embarrassing... and it is everywhere. What do you do? In a previous post, I [More]
When someone sends a nastygram directly to you via email, it's easy to deal with them directly: there's just one person. But on Social Media, a nasty post gets broadcast everywhere. And when others start repeating, retweeting, and adding to the message, the problem escalates further. Many are woefully unprepared [More]
At any point in your life, have you ever found yourself backed into a corner, uncertain how you were going to proceed? It may have been a tough client, a project gone awry, a personal relationship gone sour, or maybe a financial crisis. When this happens, there are a number [More]
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