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  • SMS: Social Media System

    SMS: Social Media System

    Have you committed to writing a blog, only to find that you don't quite write as often (or as well) as you'd like to? Or have you decided to use Twitter, only to find that you never really have much to say - let alone time to say it? If [More]

  • Personal Branding Early Warning System

    Personal Branding Early Warning System

    A common definition of Personal Branding relates to the first impression people have of you. What do your clothes suggest? Do you look friendly, or aggressive? Expressions such as "you only have one chance to make a good first impression" reinforce this definition further. Here's a second definition: what people [More]

  • The Secret… System

    The Secret… System

    Are you one of those people who are organized, or are you prone to clutter? Do you always get things done, or do you sometimes let things slip? And are you calm under pressure, or do you get easily flustered? Often, professional success isn't just a question of intellect or [More]


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