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  • Agile Methodology

    Agile Methodology

    In the olden days - and sadly, "today" for many organizations - the most common project management approach is the so-called waterfall approach: Market research Analysis of requirements Technical specification Development Testing Bug-fixes Final testing Launch This approach allowed for clear approvals at each stage, and cleverly separated the "client" of [More]

  • Avoiding costly web development corner cutting (Part II: 15 ways developers cut corners)

    Avoiding costly web development corner cutting (Part II: 15 ways developers cut corners)

    Have you ever received proposals from several vendors for the same web project, only to see a significant difference in their fees?  While a tightly specified RFP is supposed to guard against this, when it happens, there should be no real surprise. Here's why:  Every respondent will go (or should [More]


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