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Search Results: thought leadership

Trust: Earning the Right to Ask

How often have you walked in a shop, only to feel pressured into buying something you didn't really want?  Perhaps you were at a restaurant, and the waiter actually sits down at your table, introduces...

Delivering Engaging Webinars and Zoom presentations

Have you ever listened to a webinar or in a Zoom presentation, and found your mind wandering?  Or perhaps you let the webinar play on while taking care of other more important activities on your...

An Optimal Twitter Schedule

After participating in a recent panel discussion, I was approached by David Shlagbaum, a senior partner in a downtown law firm.  He reminded me of a lunch we shared, where he had asked me how...

LinkedIn Crowdsourcing

Are you befuddled whenever a new "feature" gets added to your favorite website or social platform?  Or are you excited about the possibility that the new feature may unlock for you?  The Endorsement feature of...

Content Marketing and the Marketing Hierarchy of Trust

"I am great!  Really.  Truly great!  Really!" How many people (or organizations) have marketing strategies that boil down to self-serving claims of greatness?  (Too many.)  How effective are these emails, LinkedIn profiles, ads, websites, TV...

Social Media Geography

At one time, were you riding high with a ton of "Friends"?   Then you realized that many of your Friends were there in name, but had zero engagement?  Or you maintain a presence on...

Enough Fluff

In today's society, we are surrounded by fluff: low value information whose noise gets in the way of solid analysis, improved relationships, and personal excellence. Some of the fluff is mis-aimed advertising, some fluff is...

Knowledge to Action

When was the last time you read a good book? Or rather, when was the last time you read a good book that was good for you? No, not a trash novel, or even one...

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