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Thought leadership

  • Viewpoint: “Branded” Content Builds Brands?

    Viewpoint: “Branded” Content Builds Brands?

    Back in the early days of journalism, there was a clear distinction between the "news" and paid advertisements. It was considered of the highest ethical imperative that journalists could not be "bought" or even influenced, by an advertiser looking to make a large ad purchase, or a threat to pull [More]

  • Blogging at the Intersection of Relevance

    Blogging at the Intersection of Relevance

    How often do you read a blog post that was just not relevant?  Or from the blog writer's perspective, how do you make sure that your content is relevant, makes a difference, and achieves its objectives? At a high level, there are three key steps that need to take place: [More]

  • Marketing Insight: White Papers and Inbound Marketing

    Marketing Insight: White Papers and Inbound Marketing

    Nowadays, a white paper can be just about anything. In the olden days of the 1980s, it typically meant a definitive exploration of a specific topic, often 20 pages or more. The author (and their organization) would be recognized for this knowledge by the marketplace, resulting in queries, and eventually, [More]

  • Content Marketing and Thought Leadership

    Content Marketing and Thought Leadership

    One of the most important elements of a modern marketing strategy is Content Marketing.  The idea is that if your "content" is everywhere, then would-be clients would be easily attracted to you as they begin looking for solutions to their problems. Unfortunately, many marketers miss a crucial aspect of this: [More]

  • Earning the Right

    Earning the Right

    Have you ever felt that something was missing with your digital communications? That your Tweets, Posts, and Status Updates were being disregarded - almost as if you are speaking to an empty auditorium? That you may have lots of "friends", but it seems that they are more absent than friendly. [More]

  • Content Marketing and the Marketing Hierarchy of Trust

    Content Marketing and the Marketing Hierarchy of Trust

    "I am great!  Really.  Truly great!  Really!" How many people (or organizations) have marketing strategies that boil down to self-serving claims of greatness?  (Too many.)  How effective are these emails, LinkedIn profiles, ads, websites, TV commercials, or billboards?  (Not effective at all.) There is a trust hierarchy of marketing strategies: [More]

  • Repurposing


    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be an author of a book, but you can't see yourself ever finding the time to make it happen? If so, you are exactly like the vast majority of authors, before they write their first book. So how do they [More]


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