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  • Action Bulletin: Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL)

    Action Bulletin: Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL)

    There is no doubt that SPAM - unwanted commercial electronic messages - is a major problem.  It consumes internet bandwidth, clogs our inboxes, and saps productivity.  The solution - spam filters - often makes the problem worse by wrongly filtering legitimate communications into the junk mail folder. Another solution, legislation, [More]

  • Avoiding costly web development corner cutting (Part II: 15 ways developers cut corners)

    Avoiding costly web development corner cutting (Part II: 15 ways developers cut corners)

    Have you ever received proposals from several vendors for the same web project, only to see a significant difference in their fees?  While a tightly specified RFP is supposed to guard against this, when it happens, there should be no real surprise. Here's why:  Every respondent will go (or should [More]

  • Avoiding costly web development corner cutting (Part I: Four key reasons developers cut corners)

    Avoiding costly web development corner cutting (Part I: Four key reasons developers cut corners)

    Have you ever purchased a new house, only to later discover that the contractor cut some corners?  And that buck or two savings for the contractor now translates into thousands of dollars of extra cost for you?  Unfortunately, many website developers have taken a page from the building trade, and [More]

  • Avoiding Social Incrementalism: Six Digital Strategy Insights

    Avoiding Social Incrementalism: Six Digital Strategy Insights

    If you are ahead of the curve in your digital strategy, you know there is no magic bullet: your days are spent making minor changes to improve SEO, more minor changes to improve on-page conversion, and A-B testing to improve email response rates.  Once each year, however, it makes sense [More]

  • Web Sleuthing and Competitive Archeology

    Web Sleuthing and Competitive Archeology

    What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas - and what happens on the web, stays there forever.  Yet even when files are deleted from the server (which they often are not) the content is always available, if only you know where to look. Before answering the questions of how and [More]

  • Ten Tests: Can Your Website Live Through One More Year?

    Ten Tests: Can Your Website Live Through One More Year?

    How long do you keep your car?  Some people swap their car every 2-3-4 years, while others keep them for ten, and run them into the ground.  There are pros and cons to both strategies, and endless arguments about which is best: older cars have higher maintenance costs, sport some [More]

  • Marketing Insight: From Landing Pages to Microsites

    Marketing Insight: From Landing Pages to Microsites

    How many websites does your organization have? Of course there is the main site. Then there is the "old" site that includes all of the archival content. Then there are specialized microsites for various products, events, and advertising campaigns. And finally, there are  all of the landing pages that support [More]

  • Marketing Insight:  The Five Principles of Web Usability

    Marketing Insight: The Five Principles of Web Usability

    Why are some sites just so frustrating to use? To answer this question, we need to look through the lens of the user experience designer - and their cousin, the marketing director.  When sites are poorly put together, it is likely that the site has violated one of the five [More]

  • Inbound Web Contact Strategies

    Inbound Web Contact Strategies

    Have you ever gone to a website, and for whatever reason, felt the need to actually contact the organization? You may have a product or service question, or you may have a technical issue that needs resolution. Or perhaps a billing error that needs to be fixed. Unfortunately, many organizations [More]

  • Marketing Insight: Improving Web ROI

    Marketing Insight: Improving Web ROI

    Does this sound familiar?  You have a website (or two), a marketing budget, and more than likely, a desire to grow.  It doesn't matter if growth is defined as more event registrations, newsletter sign-ups, leads, or transactions - the problem is that too often, a web initiative doesn't always pull [More]


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