The benefit of evergreen content is clear: invest once, and it continues to pay dividends, over and over. It can appear in your blog, in a video, as an add-on to an email, as an appendix to a proposal, and in many other places. And because it is timeless, it [More]
How often are you frustrated by bloated websites that have so many pages, it is impossible to actually find anything? Unfortunately, this is all to common of a complaint. Websites are often used as dumping grounds for every bit of information from every new initiative, often spanning backwards into the [More]
Where do you call your social home? Likely it includes LinkedIn and Facebook. Perhaps YouTube and Twitter. But what about Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok? Or, the 500+ other social networks that exist? The significant challenge of social media is that you don't know who is looking for you (or your services), [More]
Are you really satisfied with the response rate of your newsletter registration form on your website? Do you think that, just maybe, your list could be bigger? Instead of thinking of the sign-up form as a sign-up form, think of it as a transaction. The user - a prospective client [More]
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas - and what happens on the web, stays there forever. Yet even when files are deleted from the server (which they often are not) the content is always available, if only you know where to look. Before answering the questions of how and [More]
Does this sound familiar? You have a website (or two), a marketing budget, and more than likely, a desire to grow. It doesn't matter if growth is defined as more event registrations, newsletter sign-ups, leads, or transactions - the problem is that too often, a web initiative doesn't always pull [More]
There is no shortage of call centers working hard to sell SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services. Some of them are small fly-by-night operators, while others work at the venerable Yellow Pages. Sadly, many organizations (and people) succumb to these pitches, and spend significant dollars each month chasing a top ranking. [More]
Are you one of those thousands (millions?) who build a social profile, only to find that you have very few "friends"? Maybe you are one of those millions (or billions?) of businesses that have built a website, but have found that no one is calling? Or no one is buying? [More]
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