How long is your attention span? How long is the attention span of your clients, colleagues, or kids? The conventional wisdom is that it is very short - 30 seconds - the length of a typical TV commercial. Supposedly, the attention span of a Gen-Xer is even shorter. Thankfully, both [More]
Are you one of those thousands (millions?) who build a social profile, only to find that you have very few "friends"? Maybe you are one of those millions (or billions?) of businesses that have built a website, but have found that no one is calling? Or no one is buying? [More]
Frameworks and models are a great way to unpack a challenge, and often provide clues as to how it might be solved. Here are three that I have written about extensively in my books... but never together. Model One: One of the most powerful real-world networking techniques is called "give-to-get". [More]
Consider these Tipsheets: there are over 650 of them, and they certainly don't "sell" anything. Each week, I give away a small nugget of information, and tie it to an immediate action. These non-salesy Tipsheets, like the vast majority of blogs, are designed to credentialize expertise and build trust, slowly [More]
How long does it take to make a sale? And is it faster using traditional marketing and sales techniques, or digital-based ones? In traditional marketing and sales, advertising informs prospective customers about a product or service. Those who have a need show up and make their purchase. In the more [More]
How often do you crack open the instruction manual for the new TV, car, or piece of software? If you're like most, the answer is never. Reading through an endless list of functions is both irrelevant, and incredibly dull. In other words, a colossal waste of time. Why then, when [More]
Sales managers use an interesting description for their salespeople: they are either farmers or hunters. Farmers sell more by cultivating existing relationships, while hunters sell more by developing completely new ones. Most people don't think of themselves as salespeople, but in truth, everyone has at least one thing to sell: [More]
Each week, get Randall’s 60-second nugget on translating digital knowledge to action. Curious? Read 600+ past articles.