Do you accept every LinkedIn connection request that comes your way? Or are you selective? And is there an overall approach that can help you make this decision in a somewhat more strategic manner? Consider the pro's and con's of two opposing approaches: The case for an exclusive black book [More]
Most leaders are not aware of the range of risks that lurk behind the shiny pull of many Social Media sites and activities. Many can be mitigated if identified in the planning stages, through training, policy, or through changes of internal process. Monitoring can catch others; early detection can lessen [More]
Are you still playing the numbers game with your Social Media accounts? When you first sign up, you aim for ten connections. Then 50, 100, 250, and finally the coveted 500 - you've arrived. And then you aim for 1000. Then 2000. How many is too many? As I look [More]
If you're like most people, you get four types of email: the kind you want, the kind you don't want (spam), invitations to "connect" on the latest social media website, and updates from your social media platforms. It's the third and fourth categories that poses a problem: responding yes is [More]
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