Would you rather be a reporter, or a columnist? Reporters have a great combination of investigative skills, communication skills, moxy, and pluck. Columnists are made from the same raw material, but they get paid far more. Why? Readers care more about what a particular person is saying than what a generic person [More]
How often have you struggled to show up on time for a meeting, only to be kept waiting as others stumbled in 5-10-15 minutes later? Or have you ever tuned in to your favorite TV show, only to find that it was "rescheduled" for some other time? Or travelled to [More]
If you're like most people, you'd much prefer to write your resume than your obituary. Resumes help you get that new role, while obituaries are relatively... final. Nevertheless, writing your own obituary is a great exercise: it helps you define how you will be remembered by your colleagues, friends, and [More]
What comes to mind when you think of Coca Cola? Likely, it has less to do with sugar, caffeine and cost, and more to do with friends, refreshment and satisfaction. Savvy marketers know that if they "connect" their brands emotionally with their consumers, then they'll get the sale. This same [More]
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