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  • Out without the Shout

    Out without the Shout

    How much do you like advertising? If you're like most, the answer is somewhere between very little and not at all. This isn't surprising, since most advertising is not meant specifically for you, and is designed to be loud enough to cut through all of the noise generated by other [More]

  • Not Like Me

    Not Like Me

    Clients, prospects, friends, family, co-workers, your manager, and recruiters: It's easy to assume that everyone thinks precisely like you do. But they don't. They each have their own experience, education, training. We know this instinctively, yet still we make mistakes based on this premise. Then during a presentation, in an [More]

  • Holding Attention

    Holding Attention

    Have you ever had the feeling that the person you are speaking to really wasn't paying attention to your conversation? Maybe they are pre-occupied with a personal matter? Or they might not care about your message (or about you)? Or perhaps they are focused on an impending deadline? Whatever the [More]

  • The Center of Gravity

    The Center of Gravity

    As a communicator, I share my ideas by writing and by speaking. I project my ideas to others using nuance, idiom, tone of voice, and body language.  I do it in business presentations, group meetings, in proposals, job interviews and resumes. But how do I know that the message is [More]

  • Can tigers change their stripes?

    Can tigers change their stripes?

    Today, I appeared on two very different radio shows. The first was CKTB in St. Catherines, a local market, where the host had a number of specific questions he wanted answered. It was a fast-paced Q and A format on the lunchtime talk show. The second interview was on CBC [More]

  • Viral Career Marketing

    Viral Career Marketing

    Viral marketing remains a hot concept today, even though it has been around for quite some time. Traditional marketers focus on defining People, Place, Price, and Product, and then executing their plan. Viral marketers try to empower those already using the product or service to tell their friends about it [More]


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