"I am great! Really. Truly great! Really!" How many people (or organizations) have marketing strategies that boil down to self-serving claims of greatness? (Too many.) How effective are these emails, LinkedIn profiles, ads, websites, TV commercials, or billboards? (Not effective at all.) There is a trust hierarchy of marketing strategies: [More]
If you are reading this and profess to have some expertise in Social Media, then you may be offended by my next comment: it soon won't matter, and your "expertise" is fast becoming irrelevant. Your long term career is in jeopardy, and your short term prospects are also questionable. Note [More]
After a grueling amount of research, writing, and editing, Online PR and Social Media for Experts, Authors, Consultants, and Speakers is now available. Check it out at www.OnlinePRSocialMedia.com. The book itself is 130 pages, and while it is aimed at "experts", it is completely appropriate for those with expertise working [More]
Is there one person at your workplace who everyone knows can solve just about any problem? Is there one person that your manager goes to when they need to get something done? This person has a title: the Go-to Guy. It doesn't matter the task - big, small, clerical, managerial, [More]
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