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Digital Strategy

  • Viewpoint: Competing with Free

    Viewpoint: Competing with Free

    Are you involved in your professional association? Or do you run one - either as a director, staff, or volunteer? If so, you're probably concerned with one aspect of today's digital world, and particularly social media: How do you compete with free?  (Or perhaps, you're concerned with a more existential [More]

  • Avoiding Social Incrementalism: Six Digital Strategy Insights

    Avoiding Social Incrementalism: Six Digital Strategy Insights

    If you are ahead of the curve in your digital strategy, you know there is no magic bullet: your days are spent making minor changes to improve SEO, more minor changes to improve on-page conversion, and A-B testing to improve email response rates.  Once each year, however, it makes sense [More]

  • Testing the Social Conversation

    Testing the Social Conversation

    Have you ever put your social influence to the test?  Or said another way, do others find you half as interesting as you do yourself?  If you're not sure, here are seven ideas that might spur some different thinking. 17 Ways to Great Social Engagement: Not sure why your blog [More]

  • Twitter Strategy, Take Three

    Twitter Strategy, Take Three

    "Blogs are like articles that people can comment on.  YouTube is like TV, but with voting."  But what about Twitter? Many are not yet convinced that Twitter makes sense to them. (Or that Twitter makes sense at all.) What are the arguments for adopting Twitter - at least at some [More]

  • Built for it

    Built for it

    Both are athletic.  But one is built for football, and the other is built for ballet. Just the thought of one doing the other's job is ridiculous: they would either be crushed, or laughed off the stage.  Both know it, and they figured out quite early in their lives where [More]

  • A Motivating Web Form Call to Action

    A Motivating Web Form Call to Action

    Have you ever been in a situation where someone has used a word that seemed wrong?  Or maybe out-of-place, suboptimal, or or ill-considered?  Each of these three words means something slightly different, and each tugs a slightly different emotional chord, although in this case, they are all negative. The words [More]

  • Viewpoint: The End of Social Media

    Viewpoint: The End of Social Media

    Here's a bold prediction: The End of Social Media. Yes, despite the success of the Twitter IPO, and before that, Facebook's public offering, and after that, the fight over TikTok, the initial promise of social media is quickly moving to its end. Consider the evidence: Over a billion users on [More]

  • Lipstick on a Pig: Is this the new Social Media?

    Lipstick on a Pig: Is this the new Social Media?

    You may be one of those unlucky individuals who cannot "do" any social media at work. Not because you don't know how, or don't want to, but because your workplace policy prevents you from doing so. Or the regulatory compliance environment means that social media is off-limits. Or you're just [More]

  • Selling Products using Social Media

    Selling Products using Social Media

    Forget likes, shares, retweets, and comments: how can you use Social Media to actually sell products?  (Here's a post on selling services.) To do so effectively means understanding two key concepts: the funnel, and conversion.  The funnel refers to the process that prospects go through before they actually put down [More]

  • Four Steps from Social Strategy to Successful Sales

    Four Steps from Social Strategy to Successful Sales

    With all of the wheel-spinning and effort spent on social media, wouldn't it be nice to actually use it to grow sales? Not improve awareness, develop the brand, help with marketing, or "continue the conversation". But actually sell. Here are four ways that social media can be use to sell [More]


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