In many old movies, and particularly westerns, there is a scene where the tracker listens to the ground, and pronounces the enemy coming from "that" direction. Or they look at footprints and pronounce that the person is two days ahead of them. In more modern movies, everyone knows that Superman [More]
Is there one person at your workplace who everyone knows can solve just about any problem? Is there one person that your manager goes to when they need to get something done? This person has a title: the Go-to Guy. It doesn't matter the task - big, small, clerical, managerial, [More]
How long does it take - or should it take - for you to master a new skill? Conventional wisdom suggests that after doing something several times, you should know it fairly well. After doing it for a few months, you should have proficiency. And after a year, you're an [More]
Many people are not really comfortable developing new business relationships - or personal ones, for that matter. Yet this skill - networking - is critical to business success whether you do it within your organization, or amongst your peers in a trade association or professional group. It increases your value, [More]
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