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  • Digital Transformation Strategy: Crowdsourcing

    Digital Transformation Strategy: Crowdsourcing

    The Oxford dictionary defines crowdsourcing as "the practice of obtaining information or input into a task or project by enlisting the services of a large number of people, either paid or unpaid, typically via the internet." Crowdsourcing encompasses a spectrum of activities from engagement in internet discussion groups and social [More]

  • When Market Research is insufficient… or ill-advised

    When Market Research is insufficient… or ill-advised

    Yes, we do market research.  In fact, for many years I have published industry benchmarking and digital best practices research.  So it might be surprising to read a post about when - and why - market research should not be done. At its core, the rationale for market research is [More]

  • Crowdsourcing


    How often have you run into a creative roadblock? Or you were stumped with a problem that you couldn't figure out? When this happens, we are usually operating under a conventional wisdom that artificially closes the door to possibility. To break the block, one need only ask for help from [More]


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