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  • 11 killer copywriting techniques

    11 killer copywriting techniques

    Here's a question you don't get asked every day: how much do you really know about writing?  And more particularly, the craft of copywriting?  Unless you do this for a living or had extensive training , the answer is likely not very much. Yet no matter your particular role or responsibilities, copywriting is an [More]

  • Viewpoint: Expert-writers and Writer-experts

    Viewpoint: Expert-writers and Writer-experts

    While the internet has changed the world of publishing fundamentally, the world of writing has been fundamentally shifted as well. Consider who is actually doing the writing: Professional writers are educated in the craft of investigation and written expression, and spend an entire career learning how to convey complex concepts [More]

  • Top 10 Content Marketing Posts

    Top 10 Content Marketing Posts

    How is your content planning for the year coming along?  Or, perhaps the plan is in place, but you are now looking at a blank page, with an old-fashioned case of writer's block. Fear not, as we have collected the top ten posts on content creation and inbound marketing. Blog [More]

  • Creative Time and Place

    Creative Time and Place

    How can you be your most creative? Google the topic and you will find millions of pages with an answer. Some will say you are "born" with it. Others will say it is a matter of following a process.  And others will claim it is a matter of using a [More]

  • Four Tests for Auditioning your Posts

    Four Tests for Auditioning your Posts

    Have you ever considered whether you should comment on a post that mentions you or your organization? As a leader, have you ever been concerned that someone in your organization might choose to respond inappropriately? If so, consider these four tests for choosing when to respond: Is the post legal? [More]

  • Three Blog Archetypes: Writing for Results

    Three Blog Archetypes: Writing for Results

    Have you noticed that each magazine, newspaper, and TV news show has its own style?  They do so because style builds brand equity with their target audience.  But look underneath the glitz of style, these pros have structured each story almost exactly the same. Or in other words, every episode [More]

  • Blogging at the Intersection of Relevance

    Blogging at the Intersection of Relevance

    How often do you read a blog post that was just not relevant?  Or from the blog writer's perspective, how do you make sure that your content is relevant, makes a difference, and achieves its objectives? At a high level, there are three key steps that need to take place: [More]

  • Content Creation:  Idea seeding

    Content Creation: Idea seeding

    Have you ever spent time staring at your blank screen, wondering what your next blog post should be about, then staring at the clock, stressing about the looming deadline.  While it's tempting to think of this problem as writer's block, it is really a question of process gone wrong.  (Or [More]

  • Black Friday! Get my books at a big discount!  Sale!

    Black Friday! Get my books at a big discount! Sale!

    Did this out-of-place headline really capture your attention?  If you are a frequent reader of my material, you probably recognize that this is not the type of headline that you will usually find. I've written many times about how organizations (and individuals) compete on the Price-Expertise-Trust spectrum, and that Trust [More]

  • A Motivating Web Form Call to Action

    A Motivating Web Form Call to Action

    Have you ever been in a situation where someone has used a word that seemed wrong?  Or maybe out-of-place, suboptimal, or or ill-considered?  Each of these three words means something slightly different, and each tugs a slightly different emotional chord, although in this case, they are all negative. The words [More]


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