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  • Time for a Twitter Wall? (Part Two)

    Time for a Twitter Wall? (Part Two)

    Looking for the fine print on successfully using Twitter/Chat at your event?  Here is Part two:  [Read part one] 1) Choose a hashtag:  Choosing a unique hashtag is critical; if you choose one that another organization is using, then their comments will be mixed in with yours.  CAFE, for example, [More]

  • Time for a Twitter Wall? Or Chat?

    Time for a Twitter Wall? Or Chat?

    You've decided - or you've been told - that it is time that your meeting incorporates Twitter.  In fact, the young keener in your office has assured you that doing so is actually quite easy - just set up a Twitter wall.  Unfortunately, you know that whenever anyone says this, [More]

  • Breaking Convention

    Breaking Convention

    Recently, I came back from the annual convention of an association that I am highly involved in. There were plenty of keynotes, workshops, and networking that were simply excellent. But the value of attending only accrues after you come home. The next time you attend a conference or trade show, [More]


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