Consider the newest words entering our vocabulary: Kindle, Kobo, eReader, Nook, and Apple Books. Let me add one more: iCensorship. If the stats are to be believed, our eBook purchases on these devices are fast eclipsing traditional print books. This isn't surprising, as eBooks are not bulky, don't kill our [More]
No CEO wants to be known as a hypocrite. But unfortunately, many are precisely that - here's why. There is an interesting conundrum that many companies face when expanding beyond their borders. A key reason for their success at home has been that they could take advantage of the homegrown [More]
If you're reading this, the chances that you are on Facebook are relatively high. And sadly, the chances that you personally will duplicate Mark Zuckerberg's business success are relatively low. Very few of us will take our companies public, let along profit so handsomely during our careers. What we can [More]
In 1997 there was no Google. In 2002 there was no Facebook. There was no Twitter in 2004, Alexa only made it's debut in 2014, and TikTok in 2017. There is no indication that the pace of innovation will slow, so how can you plan for the future when the [More]
Picture this scenario: An employee gets charged with a serious offense and the company's name gets mentioned repeatedly in the news reports. The reporters found the connection to your organization by scanning through Social Media. Or this scenario: A subcontractor tweets (or posts pictures) celebrating the conclusion of a major, [More]
Steve Jobs was a visionary: incredible focus, a market disruptor, a tech genius, a serial entrepreneur, and so on. All true, but there is also something else - a thread that underlies and connects everything that Apple does: their focus on the empowered customer. From day one, this was reflected [More]
Unless you are a turtle, you know that "the cloud" is not referring to weather, but to deploying tech online. And if you believe the ad copy, just about any problem can be solved merely by "putting it on the cloud". Can this really be true? Is the hype even [More]
Should social media be regulated and controlled? Should hardware and network providers be forced to open a one-way window for authorities to monitor the flow of conversation? These questions are once again being asked, as supposedly "civilized" societies erupt into violence, riots, vandalism, and hooliganism. In these cases, rioters changed [More]
Do you have the feeling that many digital - and specifically Social Media - investments have not really paid out? That there is a lot of expensive wheel-spinning, and very little in the way of tangible results? With all of the fluff being written on the topic, it isn't surprising [More]
You may not realize it, but the game playing, ad-serving, stalker-friendly site called Facebook has long busted out of it's walled garden and moved into the "real world" in a very big way. And it is having profound implications for government, other businesses, and each of us as individuals. Unless [More]
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