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  • Trust, Website Security, and SEO

    Trust, Website Security, and SEO

    Contrast this, with this next screen shot, where the URL bar explicitly says Not Secure: The key difference between these two sites is that the first site (mine) is encrypted (look at the URL that starts with "https"), while the second example (Apache) is not encrypted at all.  Yikes! While there [More]

  • Commodities, Academics, Golfers, and Stars

    Commodities, Academics, Golfers, and Stars

    It isn't hard to understand why so many refer to themselves in this way: it helps the ego, helps marketing, and shines a patina of professionalism and respectability on their activities. But just because these terms are used, doesn't make them true. A more useful approach is to consider that [More]

  • Trust Killers

    Trust Killers

    How much does your organization invest in marketing? Beyond thought leadership and inbound marketing strategies, there is advertising, promotional items, trade shows, CRM, marketing automation, the web and social media.  Any way you look at it, the investment is substantial. Yet despite this focus, and despite all of this strategy, why [More]

  • Clickbait Headlines Lose Trust

    Clickbait Headlines Lose Trust

    Have you ever been gulled into reading an article, blog post, or viewing a video because of the headline?  Not the descriptive type of headline (such as Clickbait Headlines Lose Trust), but the kind that reels you in, like a helpless fish on a line. If you're not sure you've [More]

  • Viewpoint: Feedback on a “bad” post

    Viewpoint: Feedback on a “bad” post

    It's amazing how a "different" perspective-type post generates a ton of feedback.   Two years ago I wrote a post on how to become invisible on the web.  The post described how to remove your footprint, guard your privacy, and generally how to avoid being digitally targeted. The post also [More]

  • Insight:  Becoming web invisible

    Insight: Becoming web invisible

    With so much discussion about work-life balance, privacy, confidentiality, data hacks, and government snooping, is it any wonder that some people have decided to move off the grid, and become web-invisible?  Or for others to more closely monitor their web profiles, and either partially or completely remove themselves?  Finally, there [More]

  • Testimonials and References

    Testimonials and References

    When you make a purchase decision, what is the one thing, more than anything else, that gives you confidence that the other party can (and will) do what they promise? Yes, statements of work, contracts, and case studies all play a role.  But what about references and testimonials? References are those conversations [More]

  • Viewpoint: “Branded” Content Builds Brands?

    Viewpoint: “Branded” Content Builds Brands?

    Back in the early days of journalism, there was a clear distinction between the "news" and paid advertisements. It was considered of the highest ethical imperative that journalists could not be "bought" or even influenced, by an advertiser looking to make a large ad purchase, or a threat to pull [More]

  • Viewpoint: Building Credibility and Legitimacy

    Viewpoint: Building Credibility and Legitimacy

    In the traditional channels, there have long been built-in checks-and-balances to prevent abuse. With so few TV and Radio stations, newspapers, and magazines, these channels developed policies for who they would accept as an advertiser. And as journalists, their reporting was both objective and fact-checked.  It was hard for fringe [More]

  • Trust: Earning the Right to Ask

    Trust: Earning the Right to Ask

    How often have you walked in a shop, only to feel pressured into buying something you didn't really want?  Perhaps you were at a restaurant, and the waiter actually sits down at your table, introduces him or herself, and asks for your order? Or maybe you found yourself in the [More]


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