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Time management

  • All the world’s a stage

    All the world’s a stage

    ...and all the men and women merely players.  Shakespeare may have said this in the 1600's, but it is more true than ever today. Politicians, celebrities and others have always known that an audience was watching and judging. Today, a different paparazzi watch and judge us - we call them [More]

  • Consistency builds trust

    Consistency builds trust

    How often have you struggled to show up on time for a meeting, only to be kept waiting as others stumbled in 5-10-15 minutes later? Or have you ever tuned in to your favorite TV show, only to find that it was "rescheduled" for some other time? Or travelled to [More]

  • Social Media Stop Sign

    Social Media Stop Sign

    How long ago did you (or your organization) start your Social Media "work"? Likely, a number of years ago.  Remember this? First came LinkedIn: you filled out your profile, asked for (and responded to) connection requests.  Then you asked for (and responded to) recommendation requests, asked (and responded to) questions, [More]

  • Social Media Fatigue

    Social Media Fatigue

    If you're like most people, you get four types of email: the kind you want, the kind you don't want (spam), invitations to "connect" on the latest social media website, and updates from your social media platforms. It's the third and fourth categories that poses a problem: responding yes is [More]

  • The Case Against Facebook

    The Case Against Facebook

    Catchy title, but it should have read The Case Against Social Media.  Depending on how progressive your organization is, you probably have heard one of the following two party lines: 1) We need to block Facebook (and all Social Media) because it destroys productivity. 2) We need to spend significantly [More]

  • Multi-snacking


    When was the last time you ever gave anything (or anyone) your 100% complete, undivided attention?  If you're like most people - and you're honest - it was probably a long, long, time ago. The question is why. Here's one take: as intelligent, capable, and busy people, we have trained [More]

  • Location or Credibility?

    Location or Credibility?

    With so many Social Media sites out there, where should you spend your time? In the "olden days" of just a few short years ago, it was fairly simple: For business, spend time on LinkedIn. For personal, use Facebook (or in the "real" olden days, use MySpace). If you have [More]

  • Prime time

    Prime time

    Are you interrupted so often that you can never get anything done? Too often, our priorities are set by external stimulus, and not through intentional decisions. We focus on the urgent, not the important. The key to addressing this issue is training... everyone around you. If people think that you [More]

  • Summer Motivation

    Summer Motivation

    Have you ever found yourself becoming less motivated - and perhaps a bit less productive - during the summer? It isn't surprising: great weather, outdoor activities, and more social time all conspire to have us think beyond the job. Yet to be successful, especially in a tough economy, requires both [More]

  • 25 Hours of Status Updates

    25 Hours of Status Updates

    Every day, there are more online venues that demand your attention. Every day, there are more people that you need to connect with and respond to. Yet every day, there are only 24 available hours. Time is finite, but what you "need" to do each day seems to grow, and [More]


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