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Social Media

  • LinkedIn Connection Policies

    LinkedIn Connection Policies

    Must you be everyone's friend?  Or perhaps from a practical perspective, must you accept everyone's LinkedIn connection request?  The answer for most people, and for many reasons, is a resounding no. It is true that accepting a connection request yields numerous benefits, particularly around increased access and transparency: More of [More]

  • Finding the Social Media Tipping Point

    Finding the Social Media Tipping Point

    How do you know the "right" amount of Social Media? Too little Social Media is like spitting into the wind: no traction and no impact.  It also leads to discouragement: if the efforts are not making a difference, then why bother at all? On the other hand, too much Social [More]

  • Social ROI: Connecting Community to Commitment

    Social ROI: Connecting Community to Commitment

    Do you have a creeping feeling that you will never get an adequate return on your Social Media investment?  If so, you're probably right. To improve digital ROI requires three key ingredients: the first reduces costs, and the second and third improve return. Improve program efficiency: Swap out experimentation and [More]

  • Three Digital Strategies

    Three Digital Strategies

    Most organizations invest in their external digital footprint.  They start with a strategy, then execute it, monitor it, and if they are good, they feed these results back into the strategy.  A feedback loop is critical, as it both injects market knowledge into the organization, and enables continuous improvement. Unfortunately, [More]

  • Four Tests for Auditioning your Posts

    Four Tests for Auditioning your Posts

    Have you ever considered whether you should comment on a post that mentions you or your organization? As a leader, have you ever been concerned that someone in your organization might choose to respond inappropriately? If so, consider these four tests for choosing when to respond: Is the post legal? [More]

  • Growing Social Legs: Event-powered Communities

    Growing Social Legs: Event-powered Communities

    "Selling" the movie to distributors and driving public demand for the movie was his real challenge... or was it? Lixin Fan's ulterior goal was to show the real China, and particularly the younger generation, to foster an understanding of the country on an international stage. At the same time, the [More]

  • Social Media: Buy or Rent?

    Social Media: Buy or Rent?

    What do houses, cars, and Social Media all have in common?  For one thing, they all share a primary question:  Buy or Rent.  Buy a house, or look for a rental?  Buy a car, or lease it?  And should we rent our Social Media, or build our own? Most leaders [More]

  • Real World or Digital

    Real World or Digital

    Despite the near ubiquity of Social Media, you can't say hello to your Starbucks barista there.  Putting aside Zoom, which isn't Social Media anyway, you can't see your team's body language during a meeting.  You can't celebrate with friends and family in real-time.  Everything seems to be in 2D - [More]

  • LinkedIn Groups: to join or not?

    LinkedIn Groups: to join or not?

    "You have been invited to be part of the LinkedIn group ABCDE."  With millions of groups available and more created every day, it is tempting to join - but should you? There is nothing wrong with a gut decision to click the join button, but there is also nothing wrong [More]

  • 17 Ways to Reduce Engagement

    17 Ways to Reduce Engagement

    Is Engagement at the center of your digital strategy? Likely yes.  But is it possible that you are working at cross-purposes, spending time and resources on negative activities that actually result in disengagement?  If so, you're not alone. Use this post as a checklist: how many of these seventeen negative [More]


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