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  • Six Levels of Website Security

    Six Levels of Website Security

    The six levels of website security: Secure the network: Configuring Cloudflare, which helps prevent denial-of-service attacks, and provides DNS-related protection. A side benefit is that the Cloudflare CDN can also speed up the site dramatically. Secure the server: Hosting the site on a commercial-strength hosting provider, such as WPengine or [More]

  • Insight: The Business of Risk

    Insight: The Business of Risk

    What if something goes wrong? Most people are not keen on taking risks. A small faction of people are definitely risk–takers. Whether you are one or the other, the decisions you make often boil down to one ratio: The Risk-return equation. We spend a lot of time on Return, and [More]

  • Five Steps to Reduce Risk

    Five Steps to Reduce Risk

    Are you keen on risk?  Do you seek it out?  Most people and organizations don't - and for good reason.  Yet risk is not necessarily bad: it is part of the risk-return equation; it doesn't identify only exposure - it also identifies potential opportunity. What is bad is unnecessary risk. [More]

  • Facebook as a Leadership Tool – You Be the Judge

    Facebook as a Leadership Tool – You Be the Judge

    For many individuals, Facebook is a way to connect with friends, family, and just possibly, play a few games. For professional marketers, Facebook is a way to grow the brand, nurture a community of interest, and just possibly, sell. But for senior leaders, Facebook (and other Social Media platforms) might [More]

  • Viewpoint: The End of Twitter?

    Viewpoint: The End of Twitter?

    Putting aside the use of Twitter by certain politicians, media, and perhaps so-called influencers, is Twitter in its death throes? It certainly wouldn't be the first Social Media death. Consider those who have come (and gone) before: hellotxt, retaggr, timely, booktour, Google wave/reader/orkut/iGoogle, LinkedIn Polls/Answers, and many, many more. Here's [More]

  • Identity theft and email spoofing

    Identity theft and email spoofing

    Think your identity is secure?  Think again - it isn't. Consider this email that a colleague recently received from "me": Hello Monty, How are u doing? I will like you to handle an International bank transfers for me with some other few transactions today but first, let me know the required [More]

  • Identifying and reducing Facebook risks

    Identifying and reducing Facebook risks

    While many people enjoy Facebook for personal use (connections to family and friends, posting photos, playing games), does it really have a business role for your organization? Whether the answer is yes or no, one thing is certain: Facebook represents a risk vector that must be considered.  In no particular [More]

  • Insight: 37 Social Media Risks

    Insight: 37 Social Media Risks

    Most leaders are not aware of the range of risks that lurk behind the shiny pull of many Social Media sites and activities.  Many can be mitigated if identified in the planning stages, through training, policy, or through changes of internal process. Monitoring can catch others; early detection can lessen [More]

  • LinkedIn Connection Policies

    LinkedIn Connection Policies

    Must you be everyone's friend?  Or perhaps from a practical perspective, must you accept everyone's LinkedIn connection request?  The answer for most people, and for many reasons, is a resounding no. It is true that accepting a connection request yields numerous benefits, particularly around increased access and transparency: More of [More]

  • Social Media Slimming Down: Costly or Gone

    Social Media Slimming Down: Costly or Gone

    There is no question that LinkedIn is one of the most powerful networking platforms around. It connects, credentializes, and recruits. It provides a glimpse into the professional lives of those we know, and those we want to know. But it has been providing less, and less, and less. Consider the [More]


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