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Make It Happen Tipsheet

  • Impactful Presentations

    Impactful Presentations

    Even though you may be on stage when you are making a presentation, it is your audience that deserves the focus. They don't care about you - at best they only care about how you can "solve their problem". And at worst, they want to be entertained. Changing focus to [More]

  • When the shoe fits

    When the shoe fits

    One of the most effective ways that we learn is by observing, and interacting, with those around us. We look at those who have achieved great success, and assume that if we only follow their advice - and do what they do - then we will also be successful like [More]

  • Becoming Sherlock Holmes: Interview Research

    Becoming Sherlock Holmes: Interview Research

    You're about to meet a new sales prospect, or interview a new supplier. Or, you're about to meet a new company, and you know very little beyond their name and industry. How can you find out more before you find yourself in front of them? There are four basic techniques [More]

  • Giving Credit

    Giving Credit

    Doesn't it feel good when someone recognizes the great work that you do each day? And conversely, doesn't it feel awful when your faults are publicly exposed? Too often, we jump on the "fault" bandwagon, and don't give credit to others for the great things that they do. Yet, there [More]

  • Career Professional

    Career Professional

    For those who watch the Super Bowl each year, you may have noticed that the quarterback calls out a series of numbers before receiving the ball. Or you may have noticed that whenever a group of players run down the field, they always go in a certain formation. This type [More]

  • Proofreading Makes Perfect

    Proofreading Makes Perfect

    I recently met two very different people: a young man from a small town with an incomplete education, and a senior executive from the big city. In both cases, they sought out education as a way to improve their value, and as a result, their professional success. The young person [More]

  • Breaking Convention

    Breaking Convention

    Recently, I came back from the annual convention of an association that I am highly involved in. There were plenty of keynotes, workshops, and networking that were simply excellent. But the value of attending only accrues after you come home. The next time you attend a conference or trade show, [More]

  • Flexibility of style

    Flexibility of style

    Are you ambitious and push everyone to reach your goals? Or are you analytical, reviewing all of the implications and details before you take action? Or are you an emotional decision-maker, deciding what to do based on your gut feeling? How you define your style, however, is completely irrelevant: your [More]

  • Trusting Opportunity

    Trusting Opportunity

    If you are in the profession of sales, and your key contact at a client quits, is this a good thing or a bad thing? If your boss moves to another department or a division, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Both of these situations are full [More]

  • The Not-So-Secret

    The Not-So-Secret

    Wanna hear a secret? If you just have a positive attitude, abundance will be attracted to you. How about this one:  If you only wished you had that great job, it would soon be yours. And of course, if you merely repeat the mantra of "I am a successful person" [More]


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