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Make It Happen Tipsheet

  • Holding Attention

    Holding Attention

    Have you ever had the feeling that the person you are speaking to really wasn't paying attention to your conversation? Maybe they are pre-occupied with a personal matter? Or they might not care about your message (or about you)? Or perhaps they are focused on an impending deadline? Whatever the [More]

  • Promise Keepers

    Promise Keepers

    You probably thought a cover letter showcased your fit for a job. You're right - it does this. You probably thought your resume was something that would qualify you (or not) for an interview. You're right - it does this. And you probably thought an interview was something that you [More]

  • Dr. No

    Dr. No

    It can't be done. We'll look bad if it doesn't work. We've tried it and it didn't work. So-and-so said that we shouldn't do it. That's not the way we do it here. That's not your job. That's not my job. You'll tick off so-and-so if you do it. You'll [More]

  • Thought for the Day

    Thought for the Day

    How much time do you spend just thinking? If you're like most people, most of your time is spent running from meeting to meeting, responding to urgent requests, urgent deadlines, and emergencies. When we're relaxing, we're checking our email, voicemail, or answering our cell phones. When we're exercising, we're either [More]

  • Mission Possible

    Mission Possible

    What would you do if you could have five "free" years to do whatever you like? Would you pick up a musical instrument? Would you spend more time building relationships with your friends and family? Would you re-do your education completely, or perhaps get a graduate degree? Would you start [More]

  • Career Inertia

    Career Inertia

    Have you hit a professional brick wall? Is it becoming harder and harder to get where you want to go? Career Inertia refers to all of those things that slow you down as you try to reach your goals: not obstacles that stop you in your tracks, but people and [More]

  • One Phone Call

    One Phone Call

    If you could make one - and only one - phone call to improve your professional success, who would it be to? And what would you say? If you could arrange one - and only one - meeting, who would you call? And what would you say? Would the call [More]

  • Career Renovations

    Career Renovations

    As many homeowners know, every few years you look at your home, and decide that one room or another needs a renovation. You go through the work, perhaps re-painting, perhaps purchasing new furniture, or perhaps doing something a bit more radical. When the renovation is complete, you know that it [More]

  • Go-to Guy

    Go-to Guy

    Is there one person at your workplace who everyone knows can solve just about any problem? Is there one person that your manager goes to when they need to get something done? This person has a title: the Go-to Guy. It doesn't matter the task - big, small, clerical, managerial, [More]

  • Impactful Presentations

    Impactful Presentations

    Even though you may be on stage when you are making a presentation, it is your audience that deserves the focus. They don't care about you - at best they only care about how you can "solve their problem". And at worst, they want to be entertained. Changing focus to [More]


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