How good are you, really? While we all may have our own (sometimes inflated) opinions of our greatness, the reality of our expertise - and our personal brand - is always defined by others. Social Media, for the first time ever, gives us the opportunity to find this out directly. [More]
What can the world of manufacturing teach us about Social Media, Marketing, and Stakeholder Engagement? On the face of it, not much, but look more closely, and there are two concepts that are surprisingly relevant: Continuous Improvement, and Just-in-Time. Continuous Improvement: In the manufacturing world, continuous improvement is all about [More]
"We've got that covered" is a very satisfying thing to say when you are asked what your organization is doing to engage stakeholders online. Sadly, our research, covering 400 different organizations across the country, shows this isn't true: very few actually are "covered". The next year's research on the same [More]
Have you ever felt that something was missing with your digital communications? That your Tweets, Posts, and Status Updates were being disregarded - almost as if you are speaking to an empty auditorium? That you may have lots of "friends", but it seems that they are more absent than friendly. [More]
With so much focus on digital ROI and digital performance, an important issue is often forgotten: digital capability. This concept refers to an organization's ability to take advantage of the promise of digital, whether it be social media, marketing automation, CRM, or even just the web. Too often, the limiting [More]
Facebook now has over 2.5 billion users - an astounding number. On the other hand, you (or your organization) may have but 1000 or 10,000 - hardly a dent, and at best, a rounding error. Whether your number is on the lower side or hovering at a billion, this singular [More]
$134.81 Billion: this is Google's 2019 ad revenue. Google's keyword-savvy Pay-per-click selling machine allows any organization (or person) to specify keywords, construct an ad, and specify how much they would pay for a click. Google then puts the ad on a web page that contains the keywords. When a user [More]
Over the last year (or three), how much time have you spent Linking In, Tweeting, Facebooking, Blogging, and using other social tools? If you are like most, getting a return on your time investment probably has crossed your mind: Is all this time actually paying off? Is it worth the [More]
There is no shortage of call centers working hard to sell SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services. Some of them are small fly-by-night operators, while others work at the venerable Yellow Pages. Sadly, many organizations (and people) succumb to these pitches, and spend significant dollars each month chasing a top ranking. [More]
How often are you disappointed by poor service? For most people, the answer is too often. The reasons for poor customer service range from poor hiring, ineffective (or invisible) training, poor attitude, and inadequate resourcing. Most customers don't really care why - they'll vote with their feet and leave. They [More]
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