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Make It Happen Tipsheet

  • Viewpoints and Social Opinions

    Viewpoints and Social Opinions

    During the last year, I have written a number of opinion pieces on the issues and trends around Social Media, along with the (sometimes) ominous implications.  With the fullness of time, some of these are even more important today.  A few selections... Does Free Always Mean Free?  Beyond the embarrassing [More]

  • Eight Great Social Media Reads

    Eight Great Social Media Reads

    Out of all of the thinking, blogging, tweeting, posting, and speaking on the subject, here are some of the most practical - and thought-provoking articles on the topic. 1) When users defect:  Understanding why users leave, and what to do about it. 2) Six Steps to Strategic Blogging:  How to [More]

  • Baseline Capability and Campaigns

    Baseline Capability and Campaigns

    Have you ever been in a situation where despite your best efforts, you cannot make headway?  Or where you feel like a fish swimming upstream?  This inertia - resistance to the new - is a key reason why implementing change is so difficult.  It's also why selling new products to [More]

  • Social Infrastructure

    Social Infrastructure

    Look around, and you are surrounded by advertisements: which ones catch your eye?  Likely, the ones that are the loudest.  Unfortunately, the race to the loudest is making it hard for anything to get through. One of the key reasons for corporate interest in digital is that it is a [More]

  • Social Networking Integration

    Social Networking Integration

    Have you ever considered how some words (and technologies) are so important, yet in the fullness of time completely disappear?  Buggy whips, Barrel makers ("coopers"), and Telex machines are but a few examples.  Not fifteen years ago, the term "ebusiness" was popular, until people figured out that there was no [More]

  • Black Friday

    Black Friday

    If you are an American, you know precisely all about Black Friday: it is when herds of people get up early, head to the stores (usually online these days).  It occurs the shopping day on the Friday following Thanksgiving.  If you live outside of the United States, you probably have [More]

  • LinkedIn Crowdsourcing

    LinkedIn Crowdsourcing

    Are you befuddled whenever a new "feature" gets added to your favorite website or social platform?  Or are you excited about the possibility that the new feature may unlock for you?  The Endorsement feature of LinkedIn holds fascinating possibilities, but unlike every other part of your profile, it is the [More]

  • How great are you?  Endorsements and Recommendations

    How great are you? Endorsements and Recommendations

    How good are you, really?  While we all may have our own (sometimes inflated) opinions of our greatness, the reality of our expertise - and our personal brand - is always defined by others.  Social Media, for the first time ever, gives us the opportunity to find this out directly. [More]

  • Just In Time

    Just In Time

    What can the world of manufacturing teach us about Social Media, Marketing, and Stakeholder Engagement?  On the face of it, not much, but look more closely, and there are two concepts that are surprisingly relevant: Continuous Improvement, and Just-in-Time. Continuous Improvement:  In the manufacturing world, continuous improvement is all about [More]

  • Social Media Tick Box

    Social Media Tick Box

    "We've got that covered" is a very satisfying thing to say when you are asked what your organization is doing to engage stakeholders online. Sadly, our research, covering 400 different organizations across the country, shows this isn't true: very few actually are "covered". The next year's research on the same [More]


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