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Make It Happen Tipsheet

  • Being Real

    Being Real

    What's your reaction when you read a company newsletter, instruction manual, or other corporate communication?  Do you think it is plastic, anti-septic, and homogenized?  If so, you're like most people - they see corporate-speak as fake, and they can sniff it a mile away. The best communicators have always known [More]

  • Scenario Planning: Social Response Strategy

    Scenario Planning: Social Response Strategy

    What do you do when you are disappointed with a product or service that you have purchased?  Most people turn to the web: a quick check on Google solves many problems.  And a few choice words on Twitter or Facebook can let everyone know about the experience. From an organization's [More]

  • Marketing Insight: Improving Web ROI

    Marketing Insight: Improving Web ROI

    Does this sound familiar?  You have a website (or two), a marketing budget, and more than likely, a desire to grow.  It doesn't matter if growth is defined as more event registrations, newsletter sign-ups, leads, or transactions - the problem is that too often, a web initiative doesn't always pull [More]

  • Social Media Planning Calendar

    Social Media Planning Calendar

    How do you organize your Content Marketing and Social Media activities?  Most people have a system - whiteboards, excel documents, Google Calendar, or often, scraps of paper.  Unfortunately, none of these are as effective, or efficient, as they might be.  And they certainly don't help you share your activities with [More]

  • Are Resumes Dead?

    Are Resumes Dead?

    Look at your LinkedIn profile: does it bear any resemblance to your CV?  For most people, a LinkedIn profile far surpasses paper:  Paper can't compete with connections, recommendations, endorsements, , groups, status updates and more.  With the momentum clearly online, will your paper resume die?  Or is it already dead? [More]

  • Viewpoint: Social Media – Going Out of Business

    Viewpoint: Social Media – Going Out of Business

    Before Social Media really took off, the number of tools for engaging stakeholders online was very, very small.  You could create a bulletin board on your site.  An interactive calculator. A "guestbook" (remember those?)  Or get people to sign up to a ListServ and participate in a discussion via email.  [More]

  • Prospecting on LinkedIn

    Prospecting on LinkedIn

    Who doesn't have a LinkedIn profile?  And who doesn't understand the importance that relationships play in building a business, making a sale, or getting the job?  Yet why do most people seem mystified about using Social Media (and LinkedIn in particular) pro-actively for their professional success? Of course, there are [More]

  • Low Digital Productivity?

    Low Digital Productivity?

    Are you one of "those" people who have thoroughly adopted Social Media, but have a nagging feeling that you just aren't that productive with it?  Or are you tapped out, and have no interest in adding extra time to your day with low-value online activities?  In either case, you're not [More]

  • Content Marketing and Thought Leadership

    Content Marketing and Thought Leadership

    One of the most important elements of a modern marketing strategy is Content Marketing.  The idea is that if your "content" is everywhere, then would-be clients would be easily attracted to you as they begin looking for solutions to their problems. Unfortunately, many marketers miss a crucial aspect of this: [More]

  • Social Media Dieting

    Social Media Dieting

    Do you have a well-defined morning routine, that includes Social Media?  Tweet, Post, Check Status, Share, and Comment.  Then see who has looked at your LinkedIn profile.  Later, repeat - sometimes several times. There is nothing wrong with connection.  In fact, Social Media is built precisely on this foundation. Unfortunately, [More]


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