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Make It Happen Tipsheet

  • Delivering Engaging Webinars and Zoom presentations

    Delivering Engaging Webinars and Zoom presentations

    Have you ever listened to a webinar or in a Zoom presentation, and found your mind wandering?  Or perhaps you let the webinar play on while taking care of other more important activities on your computer?  And what if that incredibly dull presenter... is actually be you?  And that the [More]

  • 17 Ways to Reduce Engagement

    17 Ways to Reduce Engagement

    Is Engagement at the center of your digital strategy? Likely yes.  But is it possible that you are working at cross-purposes, spending time and resources on negative activities that actually result in disengagement?  If so, you're not alone. Use this post as a checklist: how many of these seventeen negative [More]

  • 27 Year Internet Anniversary

    27 Year Internet Anniversary

    What were you doing on the Internet 27 years ago, circa 1993/1994?  At that time, there were only between 200 and 2000 websites, depending on how you counted.   Most people had no idea what the web was all about, and email was still a big leap for many organizations. 27 [More]

  • Action Bulletin: Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL)

    Action Bulletin: Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL)

    There is no doubt that SPAM - unwanted commercial electronic messages - is a major problem.  It consumes internet bandwidth, clogs our inboxes, and saps productivity.  The solution - spam filters - often makes the problem worse by wrongly filtering legitimate communications into the junk mail folder. Another solution, legislation, [More]

  • Blogging at the Intersection of Relevance

    Blogging at the Intersection of Relevance

    How often do you read a blog post that was just not relevant?  Or from the blog writer's perspective, how do you make sure that your content is relevant, makes a difference, and achieves its objectives? At a high level, there are three key steps that need to take place: [More]

  • Cutting Through the Digital Clutter

    Cutting Through the Digital Clutter

    How much spam do you get in your email box each day?  Probably too much.  How many Social Media "updates" do you read each day?  Probably too many.  And how relevant are they?  Not. In the past, the challenge that marketers faced - cutting through the clutter - was solved [More]

  • Social Media Slimming Down: Costly or Gone

    Social Media Slimming Down: Costly or Gone

    There is no question that LinkedIn is one of the most powerful networking platforms around. It connects, credentializes, and recruits. It provides a glimpse into the professional lives of those we know, and those we want to know. But it has been providing less, and less, and less. Consider the [More]

  • Stealing Ideas and Social Media

    Stealing Ideas and Social Media

    In grade one, we were told no cheating. In grade six or seven, we learned about plagiarism. By high school, we learned about citations, attribution, and the importance of quoting the source. But in today's digital world, have these rules changed?  Sadly, there seems to be a range of experience [More]

  • Looking for growth: Back to basics

    Looking for growth: Back to basics

    Looking to grow your organization?  If so, a key question is this:  Where are all of the "new" zip codes?  The ones that live in different sectors and geographies?  The ones who come from different cultural backgrounds and different generations?  The first-time bums in seats? One thing is for sure:  [More]

  • Avoiding costly web development corner cutting (Part II: 15 ways developers cut corners)

    Avoiding costly web development corner cutting (Part II: 15 ways developers cut corners)

    Have you ever received proposals from several vendors for the same web project, only to see a significant difference in their fees?  While a tightly specified RFP is supposed to guard against this, when it happens, there should be no real surprise. Here's why:  Every respondent will go (or should [More]


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