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Make It Happen Tipsheet

  • Brand Building: Strong On the Inside

    Brand Building: Strong On the Inside

    How much does your organization spend on your brand? Usually, this question yields answers in the following spending categories: research, logo design, collateral production, messaging, and ads. And maybe content,  Social Media, and a few other things. While all of these are important, this list is missing the two fundamental delivery mechanisms [More]

  • Monetizing IP: Implementing an eLearning program

    Monetizing IP: Implementing an eLearning program

    Do you generate content (or training materials) for staff, prospects, clients, and other third parties?  If so, you probably know that doing it right is not easy-  and often is hit or miss.  In a previous post, we explored the business rationale and the alternatives for monetizing this knowledge via eLearning; in this post, [More]

  • 14 great reads on building influence and impact

    14 great reads on building influence and impact

    Do your readers read beyond the first sentence or two?  And do they care enough about your ideas to actually act on them?  Writing is a critical engagement skill, so a small investment in time can make your words make a bigger impact. Here are 14 great reads that can increase your effectiveness - and [More]

  • 8 Must-Reads on Growth

    8 Must-Reads on Growth

    Benjamin Franklin said that there were only two things certain in life: death and taxes.  But at the end of every year, if you watch TV news, read magazines, or read a newspaper, you know that there is also a third certainty: the end-of-year retrospective. In the case of the Make It [More]

  • Instant Messaging: Channel of Choice?

    Instant Messaging: Channel of Choice?

    When you reach out to your members, clients, suppliers, regulators, or other stakeholders, how do you do it? In the olden days it was the telex.  Then there was the postal service, and later FAX. Today, perhaps email and Social Media.  But how does social fit in? Or does it? Aside [More]

  • Viewpoint: Corporate voice cop-outs, authenticity, and accountability

    Viewpoint: Corporate voice cop-outs, authenticity, and accountability

    In his 2003 Australian best-seller Death Sentence: The Decay of Public Language, author Don Watson rails against lifeless, plastic corporate-speak.   He complains that too often, organizations hide behind their words, instead of connecting with their audiences with an authentic voice.  While he was writing about traditional communications, his point is [More]

  • When to fire your web developer (18 reasons)

    When to fire your web developer (18 reasons)

    Every organization has its group of trusted partners: accountant, lawyer, banker... and web developer. They know your history, strategy, and people, and are available to help when their special skills are needed. But how do you know when it is time to move on from the relationship? While we can't [More]

  • Website launch checklist

    Website launch checklist

    While websites aren't new, most organizations only redesign their website every 3-4 years - which is just enough time for everyone to forget what needs to be done to properly launch it. So, collected in one place, here is our list of what to do to launch your site: Three months prior to [More]

  • Clickbait Headlines Lose Trust

    Clickbait Headlines Lose Trust

    Have you ever been gulled into reading an article, blog post, or viewing a video because of the headline?  Not the descriptive type of headline (such as Clickbait Headlines Lose Trust), but the kind that reels you in, like a helpless fish on a line. If you're not sure you've [More]

  • Marketing Congruency

    Marketing Congruency

    At one time, a marketer needed only consider a few communications channels: Print, TV, Packaging, and the speaking points within a salesperson's sales pitch. Today, all bets are off:  Traditional channels still exist, but have been eclipsed by the website, marketing automation emails, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and [More]


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