Marketing has progressed significantly from the days of direct mail addressed to "occupant". Or has it? I recently received a snail-mail letter from a major corporation, addressed to Rondo Greg - not Randall Craig. My wife recently received an email addressed to her work address, asking whether her company - a [More]
What determines the confidence in your brand? Yes, the visual identity and what people see. And yes, the experience and interaction people have, both online and in the real world. And yes, the social media (and traditional media) buzz - both positive and negative. But there is another factor, hidden [More]
With so much discussion about work-life balance, privacy, confidentiality, data hacks, and government snooping, is it any wonder that some people have decided to move off the grid, and become web-invisible? Or for others to more closely monitor their web profiles, and either partially or completely remove themselves? Finally, there [More]
Often times, the greatest insights happen at the intersection of two areas, and this is certainly true of the intersection between marketing and business development. Typically, what lives here are leads. Marketers develop initiatives that build leads. Then sales "works" the leads, hopefully converting them into clients. This is true, [More]
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