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  • Multi-snacking


    When was the last time you ever gave anything (or anyone) your 100% complete, undivided attention?  If you're like most people - and you're honest - it was probably a long, long, time ago. The question is why. Here's one take: as intelligent, capable, and busy people, we have trained [More]

  • The Rule of Three

    The Rule of Three

    Have you ever read a blog post or listened to a presentation, only to find yourself unable to recall what was written or said? Have you ever found yourself frustrated when your own ideas are so quickly forgotten? There are many possible reasons for this, but often the culprit is [More]

  • Crisis Communicator

    Crisis Communicator

    When someone sends a nastygram directly to you via email, it's easy to deal with them directly: there's just one person. But on Social Media, a nasty post gets broadcast everywhere. And when others start repeating, retweeting, and adding to the message, the problem escalates further. Many are woefully unprepared [More]

  • Enough Fluff

    Enough Fluff

    In today's society, we are surrounded by fluff: low value information whose noise gets in the way of solid analysis, improved relationships, and personal excellence. Some of the fluff is mis-aimed advertising, some fluff is reply-all emails, and other fluff is "analysis" that doesn't really analyze. We see fluff at [More]

  • Don’t Feed the Monster

    Don’t Feed the Monster

    Have you ever found yourself in an email argument with someone? Or a flamewar, where there is a public, angry disagreement between you and someone else that goes on without end? If so, you're not alone. Each minute that is spent is both agitating and unproductive, so it behooves us [More]

  • Remember First, Second, Third

    Remember First, Second, Third

    Many blogs I read I don't like - the posts have no interest to me. Have you ever read a blog posting or listened to a presentation where the topic didn't resonate, or where you felt excluded? If so, the writer made a common mistake: "you" were squeezed out by [More]

  • Mind the (Service) Gap

    Mind the (Service) Gap

    How often have you been disappointed by an experience with a supplier? When it happens, it is usually because of a very basic problem: a gap between your expectations of service (or quality), and their expectations when delivering the service. Reducing frustration and disappointment is easy... if only you could [More]

  • Diverse Points

    Diverse Points

    Have you ever had the opportunity to listen to a speaker from another country, or from a culture that is very different than your own? If you have - and most people have - you may have noticed that they use different words than you. Perhaps you found their words [More]

  • Follower, Friend, or Family?

    Follower, Friend, or Family?

    There is an important hierarchy in the real world when we think of our relationships with others. At one end of the spectrum are those nameless individuals we see on the street, while at the other end are those closest to us - usually our immediate family. And in between, [More]

  • Eye of the Beholder

    Eye of the Beholder

    Have you ever been completely "ticked" by something you read? When this happens, you often feel defensive: How can they say that? It doesn't apply to me! At other times, your reaction is more aggressive: you lash out in anger. You malign the sender. Or worse. If yesterday's email world [More]


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