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Career Planning

  • The Legacy Formula

    The Legacy Formula

    Is there a magic formula for professional success? Could it be as simple as "work smart" and "work hard"? While working smart and working hard are important, success in a particular role is determined well before we're even aware of the role itself. And we often don't know how truly [More]

  • Tomorrow’s job today

    Tomorrow’s job today

    As children, we get up and go to school... because that's what we do. As young adults, we choose a college or university to give us the skills to succeed in a particular career. For many people, formal education then stops - and for good reason: why bother with more [More]

  • The Case for Certifications

    The Case for Certifications

    There is no question that professional certification in your area of specialization provides enduring value. (In fact, there are a number of professions where you cannot practice without it.) Becoming certified differentiates you from your competition, and signals to others that you uphold certain standards and practices. These may include [More]

  • Unqualified!


    Nobody likes the odds in a lottery, but when you apply for a new role or pitch a new opportunity, sometimes it feels like you're buying a ticket for one. When you put your name in the hat, you do so with 1000 others. Get through the screener and your [More]

  • Quantify your Impact

    Quantify your Impact

    For the best investors, each potential investment requires a prospectus or annual report. For the best business managers, each new initiative requires a business case. For the best project managers, each project requires a project charter. The purpose of these documents is to list the benefits, identify the costs, define [More]

  • The Best Career Book

    The Best Career Book

    If you were to write a book on your professional expertise, what would you call it? If you're not exactly sure, then you're not alone. In a certain sense, many of us go through our entire careers like a book without a title. Or a book with a poor title. [More]

  • Summer Vacation

    Summer Vacation

    The months of July and August are special, as it is when many people traditionally take their vacations. But it is special for another reason as well: it is the half-way point of the year. And while we might prefer to be sipping lemonade at the beach, it is a [More]

  • Indie Book Award Winner

    Indie Book Award Winner

    Some great news: The Indie Book Awards has named Personal Balance Sheet by Randall Craig a Gold Medal Winner in the Career category. It was also named one of the top Business books of the year. The Next Generation Indie Book Awards is one of the most prestigious American book [More]

  • Built for it

    Built for it

    Recently I was watching a roofer hauling heavy materials up and down a ladder. A neighbor, also watching, commented that the roofer was built for his job - he was built for it. What is "it", and how do you build yourself for it? Stripped to the essence, these are [More]

  • Career Inertia

    Career Inertia

    Have you hit a professional brick wall? Is it becoming harder and harder to get where you want to go? Career Inertia refers to all of those things that slow you down as you try to reach your goals: not obstacles that stop you in your tracks, but people and [More]


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