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  • Blog and Social Media Errors [updated]

    Blog and Social Media Errors [updated]

    It could be a simple typographical or grammatical error, a case of misattribution, or a more serious case of factual error. Unfortunately, blog and social media errors happens far too often, for some very obvious reasons: Some content is dictated and the speech-t0-text software sometimes gets it wrong. Editing is [More]

  • Agile Methodology

    Agile Methodology

    In the olden days - and sadly, "today" for many organizations - the most common project management approach is the so-called waterfall approach: Market research Analysis of requirements Technical specification Development Testing Bug-fixes Final testing Launch This approach allowed for clear approvals at each stage, and cleverly separated the "client" of [More]

  • Trust, Website Security, and SEO

    Trust, Website Security, and SEO

    Contrast this, with this next screen shot, where the URL bar explicitly says Not Secure: The key difference between these two sites is that the first site (mine) is encrypted (look at the URL that starts with "https"), while the second example (Apache) is not encrypted at all.  Yikes! While there [More]

  • Insight: The Business of Risk

    Insight: The Business of Risk

    What if something goes wrong? Most people are not keen on taking risks. A small faction of people are definitely risk–takers. Whether you are one or the other, the decisions you make often boil down to one ratio: The Risk-return equation. We spend a lot of time on Return, and [More]

  • Six Tests for Testing Trends

    Six Tests for Testing Trends

    How often have you read a prediction, statement, or about a trend, and began to wonder if it were true?  Sadly, with so many instant experts, pundits, and self-serving gurus, it is sometimes difficult to tell fact from fake news. Here are six tests that can help you improve your signal-to-noise ratio: A trend is defined to be a [More]

  • Becoming an Efficient Thought Leader

    Becoming an Efficient Thought Leader

    One of the more popular thought leadership "strategies" is to create relevant, provoking, leading-edge content.  Not only does this provide evidence of the thought leader's special knowledge, but it also helps attract new followers, through sharing (social and real-world), and through discovery (Google, conference speeches, and publicity.) The most successful [More]

  • Six Top Thought Leadership Articles

    Six Top Thought Leadership Articles

    For most people in senior roles, the holy grail of recognition is embodied in two terms: Thought Leadership and Trusted Advisor.  Yet too often, these very terms are thrown around, overused, and just perhaps, may be losing their value. Notwithstanding this, the underlying concepts are powerful - with a matching value in the marketplace. [More]

  • Bloated Websites: Transparency vs. Accessibility

    Bloated Websites: Transparency vs. Accessibility

    How often are you frustrated by bloated websites that have so many pages, it is impossible to actually find anything?  Unfortunately, this is all to common of a complaint. Websites are often used as dumping grounds for every bit of information from every new initiative, often spanning backwards into the [More]

  • Customer Service: Automated, Templated, or Customized

    Customer Service: Automated, Templated, or Customized

    Many organizations struggle with setting up a digital response strategy.  How do you trust front line staff to answer properly, if they don't know the policies?  How do you have a consistent response, no matter who responds, or when?  How do you provide these responses, whether the channel is the website [More]

  • Eight Disruptive Business Models

    Eight Disruptive Business Models

    Do you see your website, CRM, social media, and other digital initiatives as a way to improve service levels, market your organization, or be a central part of your thought leadership strategy?  While important, at best these are merely tactics:  too often the bigger opportunity of digital transformation is ignored.  This isn't surprising, as digital [More]


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