In the olden days, as soon as a fax was received, a secretary would burst into the manager's office and exclaim "you've received a fax". All activity would stop until the fax was addressed. While we rarely receive faxes anymore, many of us exhibit this same strange behavior when we [More]
I'm just about half way through a fascinating book, called "Linked", by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi. In it, he explores how networks grow: whether they be social networks, biological networks, the internet, or web sites. One of his most fascinating points is that the study of an individual node - whether it [More]
One of the greatest benefits of an open plan office is that people share information without the need to have meetings. Overhearing telephone conversations and impromptu discussions are great examples of "constructive eavesdropping" that can help the organization move forward. On the other hand, an open plan office deprives you [More]
How many hours have you spent trolling through the internet, doing "research" on a particular company or industry? Many people spend too much time on research, and put off making a decision or acting on it. The reason? Most people are averse to risk. We rationalize that with more information, [More]
I was at the Report on Business Television studio, taping a few segments for some upcoming shows. In between, I spent time chatting with the host, Anne Gaviola. I made an off-hand remark that she must meet a number of fascinating guests; her reply impressed me. She said that indeed [More]
Last night, I met a delightful individual, Tracy Slotin, who works on the road delivering seminars for financial types (How to be a great controller, etc). I was going over my own business plan, and she suggested a different type of planning. Where do you want your business to be [More]
No, you don't need to remember your high school poetry, but it is possible to find insight wherever you look. Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way; But to act, that each to-morrow Find us further than to-day. This excerpt is from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "The [More]
How many people are in your network: 25? 200? 800? 1600? The number doesn't matter as much as how tightly you are connected to them, and how tightly they are connected to each other. When this linkage happens, so does magic. Your network can support you achieve your current goals, [More]
While camping, a group of four friends - all managers - were talking about teamwork. As the evening wore on, it became colder, and each person went to put on a warm jacket and a hat - except the fourth: he went scavenging for wood. After thirty minutes, he came [More]
You've been through a grueling interview process and you've finally got the job or won that promotion. What can you do right at the start to guarantee your success? The truth is that nothing is guaranteed in today's environment, but take care of a few key things, and your chances [More]
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