What can we do, prior to starting something new, that will increase our chances of success? Back in 2009, when Barack Obama was "inaugurated" as President of the USA, he taught us many great lessons... even if we don't have a budget of $150 million-plus for the effort. We can [More]
Social media is used by recruiters to look for "hidden" candidates and to disqualify inappropriate ones. It is used by sales reps to look for new prospects and connect better with existing ones. And it can be used by you to connect outward to those you know, and to develop [More]
Everyone is in sales. Each of us is always selling something to somebody. You may be selling your recommendations to your colleagues. Or you might be trying to convince your family where to go on your next vacation. Or if you are pitching for a new opportunity, you are selling [More]
Is there a magic formula for professional success? Could it be as simple as "work smart" and "work hard"? While working smart and working hard are important, success in a particular role is determined well before we're even aware of the role itself. And we often don't know how truly [More]
After a grueling amount of research, writing, and editing, Online PR and Social Media for Experts, Authors, Consultants, and Speakers is now available. Check it out at www.OnlinePRSocialMedia.com. The book itself is 130 pages, and while it is aimed at "experts", it is completely appropriate for those with expertise working [More]
There are great colleagues, and there are bad colleagues, and you have to work with them all. But what happens when your interaction with the bullies and the slackers begins to influence your success? While what you do ultimately depends on your relationship with them, here are some strategies you [More]
Every year, do you resolve to do something special, or something different, or maybe something that you used to do? If so, then you are probably in the minority, as many people have completely given up. And those who haven't given up, make commitments only to break them a month [More]
We ask others for things all of the time: on the job, with our families, and in the community. Yet, we aren't always met with the response we want. How can we improve our odds? Here are four suggestions: 1) Ask for something specific. If people don't know exactly what [More]
The harder you work, the greater your rewards. These words are pounded into our brains from an early age - but are they true? Unfortunately, our rewards are determined not just by how hard we work, but also by those we work with, and especially those we report to. If [More]
In Japanese culture, there is a cultural practice to avoid causing others to lose face. In business meetings, this often means that objections are not raised, and decisions are made apparently without a thorough discussion. While this is what appears to an outsider, the reality is far different. The Japanese [More]
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