Catchy title, but it should have read The Case Against Social Media. Depending on how progressive your organization is, you probably have heard one of the following two party lines: 1) We need to block Facebook (and all Social Media) because it destroys productivity. 2) We need to spend significantly [More]
For many of us, Social Media has become ubiquitous: we couldn't imagine a day without Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube. or TikTok. For many companies, Social Media is at the core of their marketing strategies. But what if the plug was pulled? What if the government, or a technical disaster, caused [More]
Have you ever been in a situation where everyone is "talking" about a particular movie, restaurant, or gadget? While the subject of the buzz was probably quite noteworthy, what isn't known is how much professional marketing help it got along the way. If you are looking to develop buzz for [More]
Beyond the embarrassing photos, new found friends, professional connections, and social gaming, there lurks a conflict - and conflict of interest - that most people know nothing about. On the one hand there are Social Media venues all of whom have a business model that provides free consumer functionality in [More]
During the last seven years, this Tipsheet has focused on answering one key question: how can we as individuals translate what we learn into practical advice. The Tipsheet content has ranged from professional success, management perspective, to digital strategy. Whatever the topic, each week there is a call to action, [More]
When was the last time you ever gave anything (or anyone) your 100% complete, undivided attention? If you're like most people - and you're honest - it was probably a long, long, time ago. The question is why. Here's one take: as intelligent, capable, and busy people, we have trained [More]
Do you look for shortcuts in order to more efficiently reach your goals? Do you feel jealous when others achieve before you do? If so, it's not surprising: you've been programmed that way. Many organizations set annual goals for their employees; they follow-up with annual evaluations. Compensation is tied directly [More]
Have you ever wondered about your New Year's resolutions in December? No, not your upcoming ones, but the ones from last year? If you're like most people, you probably haven't. And the reason why is we don't want to acknowledge failure: we don't want to be reminded about resolutions that [More]
With so many Social Media sites out there, where should you spend your time? In the "olden days" of just a few short years ago, it was fairly simple: For business, spend time on LinkedIn. For personal, use Facebook (or in the "real" olden days, use MySpace). If you have [More]
With so many people and organizations getting on the blogging bus, it seems that blogging must be very important. But why? Deciding on a strategy helps clarify the underlying purpose of the blog itself, and provides focus to the writing. Here are some of the reasons that we've come across; [More]
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